Monday, July 6, 2009

Friend Makin Monday: BFF

So I ran across this thingamajig... well actually I've seen it a million time since I've been in bloggy land and been a complete lurker. Today I decided to participate.

There is this Friend Makin' Monday post (you guessed it, every Monday) By Kasey at All That Is Good (really neat blog BTW), but I think she's on vacay so Kelli at Outside My Kitchen Window (another neat blog BTW) is hosting this week.

Here's the idea: A question is posted. You post your response on your own blog and then leave your name with Mr. Linky. That's the hard part. The easy part is you get to read as many of the responses as you want, and post a comment on at least two. The whole idea is to get to know people a little better and make some new friends. We are bloggers and we all like friends.

Ok... so today's FMM question was about your BFF... how you met, how long ago, why is this person special... blah, blah, blah. You get the point.

First, let me start by saying I don't have many friends. Not anymore. Wait. Ok, let me rephrase: Since Andy has come into my life, I have redefined most people (with his "people are investments" attitude, read about it here) as acquaintences instead of friends. So the plethora of people who previously made the friend list has dwindled down to like 3. Pathetic.

As for my BFF... that's a hard one. I have a few very close friends that I would consider BFF's for different reasons. Andy is my bestest friend, and he should be, but I'm going to keep this to someone who lives outside my own home.

Like Nikki, she's been my friend since 9th grade and we were thick as thieves back in the day. She's been there through a lot of my ups and helped me pick up the pieces when I was down. She's always there with sound advice, even when you don't ask for it, and sometimes sounds a bit judgmental. But I know Nikki, and I know that her heart is in the right place. Regardless, she's been there... with me... through it all.

Then there's Della. I've been friends with her since 8th grade. She's a trip and I love her. She and I have been through some tough times. She's always there with a loving attitude and a heart so big you can feel it. She accepts the redneck side of me and when I need to getaway... it's Della's house I run to.

And lastly, I can't forget my sissy. She's WAY older than me (I love you sissy) and I didn't like her much when we were growing up. We have different dads and she lived with her dad for as long as I can remember. I only have few early memories of my sister, but when she was an adult and married off, we became a little closer. It wasn't until I was grown with a family of my own that we became really close. She is totally like me in many ways, and completely different in others. She has a level head when I need it, will listen to me rant, back me up when I need it and calm me down when I'm a little excited. When we are together, we laugh constantly. We can talk for hours on the phone on a daily basis and then go for three weeks without talking, call and pick up right where we left off. I love my sissy and I'm so blessed to have an amazing person like her in my life. I just wish she lived closer :(


Nikki B. said...

hey thanks for commenting on my religion post...i had to repost it for my new comment system to show up (i started the post a few days ago before my new system was in place)

i really wanted to hear people's opinions on this and hear what people had to say.

i had to delete the comments to start over and would love to hear your "long version" if you have time.

shoot me an email and i have your original comment if you wouldn't mind reposting that.

thanks again for commenting...i know a lot of people won't touch that kind of discussion, so i appreciate it.

Bitter Sweet Moments said...

I think your husband may be a lot like my husband:) Thanks for sharing!! I'm stopping by from FMM!!! Happy Monday!!

Connie said...

I don't have a lot of friends anymore either but it' s not for lack of trying.

My sissy is my bestie too!

Lins said...

Isn't it great to have people in your life that will give it to you straight? :)

Great list! Happy FMM!

Tina said...

Glad you joined in the fun of FMM!

Great story and I am following your blog now!

Cute blog...

Happy FMM!

J.J. said...

I love that you are such great friends with your sister. I always wanted one :)

Happy FMM

snickie said...

Woiw, the post about your sister is one I could wave written about mine, including the part about different dads.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Glad you're joining FMM today.
Hands down, quality will always beat quantity.

Sugarplum Garters said...

Welcome to FMM! I'm with you ~ I have recently reevaluated some of my "friends" and decided that I was better off without them. It does make me feel lonely and pathetic at times, but like Vivienne said ~ quality is so much better than quantity when it comes to friends!

Happy FMM!

AiringMyLaundry said...

This makes me wish that I had a sister!