Saturday, February 21, 2009

Healthy Heart

So I've been looking online today for recipes that will help me incorporate fish into our diet without smelling up the house. I'm not a fish person, unless it's fried catfish or tilapia. I don't like the way it smells. Strong fish stinks! And I'm not sure who likes to eat stinky things, but it certainly isn't me.

We've moved away from most of the red meats, and cook a lot with turkey and chicken these days. So why not venture out and find some fish recipes that we might actually like. I'm the type of person that thinks everything on the grill tastes better, so I found a recipe for grilled tilapia that I'm going to try. Ok that's a lie. I found a recipe that I'm going to alter to my taste lol. I'm going to also grill some fresh squash and zucchini to go along with it and probably bake a brown rice dish. I thought about an avacado salad or something else other than rice, but I'm probably just going to do the rice. It's easy and less shopping lol.

We'll see how it turns out. I've got to remember to get to the liquor store for the wine (b/c the bible belt doesn't sell wine in the grocery stores like the rest of the Nation) and get the vittles that I'm going to need to cook this meal. I'm going to suprise Andy tomorrow after we take the kids home.

See, cooking in this house has turned into a competition. Andy is a fantastic cook and I can't just go in there and throw together my world famous spaghetti and meat sauce that I've made for 20 years. I've got to get fancy and find new stuff to impress him with. I'm determined to be the best chef in the house. He blew me away with his chicken "packets" a few months ago, and last night he made some fantastic italian season marinated grilled chicken, brussel sprouts (that I introduced him to HA) and some brown rice with mushroom soup instead of just water. It was really good and the kids loved it too. Oddly enough, they will even eat the brussel sprouts. I've made my chicken and veggies over bowtie with a Velveeta cream sauce... a recipe that I absolutely LOVE, and he wasn't that impressed with it. He's not a cream sauce kinda guy I guess. Give him a marinara and he's a happy camper. He doesn't care for my spaghetti either, b/c in HIS spaghetti sauce he puts mushrooms and zucchini. Wanka wanka wanka. Ok so maybe I'm not as open minded as I could be, or just the fact that he thinks he's a better cook than me kills me. I have always prided myself on my cooking skills. Hmph! I can't be out-done!

So, we are going to Tony's wedding today... then I'm going to the grocery store ALONE! I'm going to hopefully blow him away tomorrow evening with my fish. Then we'll see what he comes up with next lol.

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